versão em português
We received a very special invitation of the Municipal Heritage Council of Porto Feliz. The invitation was activated by our friends of Morada da Floresta 🙂
The invitation
We were invited to express our intention to make efforts to develop actions and permaculture projects for environmental sustainability within the Capoava Farm, owned by company Radar Group in the city of Porto Feliz, interior of São Paulo State, city sister of Itu.
The area is a former colony of workers and has physical structures such as school, offices, cinema, chapel, soccer field, workers’ houses and other buildings, some preserved and others not. The social areas are surrounded by sugarcane plantations.
The farm is currently experiencing a process of decisive dialogues overturning safeguards, protection and environmental recovery plans. The proprietary company that manages the plantations and the production of sugar and alcohol decided to hold donation of this farm to entities that are related to the process and conservation plans.
We were blown away by the challenge and we need your support to do it!
The intention
We intend, interest and willingness to initiate the necessary conversations and, accepting the invitation of the Municipal Council of Historical, Cultural and Environmental city of Porto Feliz, we are putting willing to devote joint efforts for the formation of this bioregional center of permaculture, assuming social and environmental responsibilities in the management, restoration and revitalization of Capoava Farm.
It is only the first step.
It is a time of delicate decisions because impact the lives of many people, organizations, animals, insects and plants. In permaculture, we learn to strengthen what we have and accordingly keep a lot of affection for the respect with which we were treated by the government of Porto Feliz. What we have in common is immeasurable!
We believe that is clear our intention. Now we go to practice!
In this first step, we need you to send one email message to us, personal or institutional, giving support to NGO Movimento Sócio-Ambiental Caminho das Águas . It may be a letterhead digital file to a simple email in text mode, you decide how! This simple document will state that you support our best intentions and dreams for Capoava Farm and the city of Porto Feliz!
The email that will receive the support is and WhatsApp for quick contact is +55 011 9 9245.9599
We have to present one letter of intents finalized and we had the idea of attaching these supporting documents together. It is also a way to strengthen dialogue and exchanges, renewing vibrations in intense moments throughout the planet. We have until Wednesday, the 15th, at 10 am (-3 GMT) to deliver to Municipality of Porto Feliz.
So as not to be anything too complicated, you do not need a super document prepared. The need is that the words are sincere 😀
We still need to know what the owners offer in fact, which is listed as historical, if there are and what are the other stakeholders as well as the current regulatory status of these processes, our obligations and counterparties.
You can write as you like. Or as somenone asked in the first talks, follows a sample letter of support 🙂
Model support
I XXXXXXX, resident in the city of XXXXX and member of XXXXXX organization, declare my support for the happy intentions declared by the Way of Waters Movement to devote efforts in the management, restoration and environmental revitalization of Capoava Farm, Porto Feliz, Brazil.
The next steps
We won’t stop to connecting each other and we here will resume contact with friends living in Porto Feliz, those we meet in the last years of operation. Until Wednesday and later days we are sure that a lot of energy will vibrate!
The doors were open and we intend to enter them! We vibrate with possibilities and we believe it is very important to feel that there are several possible ways. Other beautiful areas in the city were presented. The process is not restricted to the territory or the donation of the farm.
It’s Flow! The donation of one farm is not an unusual case, there was a similar donation of the same company in 2014 in the city of Rafard, then chances are very positive. And work at Porto Feliz was always a great pleasure, today we can return the past learning and be more effective now.
We count on your support at this time! If you received this message, you already know that with or without donation, the Ways of Waters Movement loves you!
Write down all the good ideas that can manifest in physical reality at some point, somewhere where any water through.
Board of Way of Waters Movement